3 Ways to Have a More Enjoyable Cleaning with Your Dental Hygienist

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Getting regular dental work done is one of the best ways to ensure that you have good oral health throughout the years. A dental hygienist is often an integral part of your maintenance care, and establishing a good working relationship with yours better ensures that you will get proper dental care on a regular basis. If you have a new dental centre or new hygienist, you might be struggling to feel comfortable in the dental chair. Here are a few things that can help:  

  1. Schedule the right amount of time. Has it been awhile since you last saw your dental hygienist, dentist or had an exam? Are you worried that you have a problem? Communicate these things to the receptionist so that you can enough time for your appointment without feeling rushed.

3 Ways to Have a More Enjoyable Cleaning with Your Dental Hygienist

  1. Be honest about your dental history. Have you ever told your hygienist that you floss regularly when you actually don’t? Just be honest! Chances are that your hygienist can tell already what your dental habits are, so tell the truth about how long it’s been since your last visit, how regularly you brush, etc.
  2. Set up hand signals. Sometimes it can be scary working with the dental hygienist or dentist because they have somewhat effectively cut off your primary form of communication! If you are apprehensive about dental visits, taking a little extra time and setting up some basic hand signals to let your hygienist know if something is painful or if you need a reprieve can be a lifesaver.

We here at Georgian Shores Dental Centre would love to help you get the care that you need. For more information and tips on enjoying your dental hygienist visits more, please give us a call today.