Dental-Approved Teeth Whitening Tips that Really Work!

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When you are looking for a stunning smile, many people want to start with whiter teeth. Teeth that are stained or yellow can put a damper on your confident smile, and we here at Georgian Shores Dental Centre would love to help you get the stunning smile that you dream of with some proven teeth whitening tips.

Dental-Approved Teeth Whitening Tips that Really Work!

One of the first things that you need to do is see a dentist for your teeth whitening options. A dentist can properly assess your current level of oral health and what it would take to properly whiten your teeth. Sometimes some simple over-the-counter options will work for you, but other times the shape and condition of your teeth may respond to other options more favourably. Your dentist can also assist you with issues like staining, maintenance and potential sensitivity problems that you might face.

At this time, you will want to be wary of home remedies and options that are not medically proven. While there are many options like charcoal pastes or even banana peel rubbings on your teeth, these might not work. While many of these options will only cause you to waste your time, sometimes they can damage your teeth. Be very cautious when experimenting with your smile!

One of the best tips that you can get from a dentist is to avoid foods that are likely to stain your teeth. Some common foods can quickly stain your winning smile, such as blueberries, coffee, tea, strawberries, cola and even some sports drinks. Avoid these foods especially after your teeth whitening treatments to maintain a pearly smile.

For answers to your questions about teeth whitening, please give us a call today.