You want to have a whiter, brighter, and healthier smile, and our dental centre is here to help you get there. Although you’ve probably already heard that you need to brush and floss your teeth a thousand times, our dental centre wants you to know there are other things you can do today to take better care of your teeth:
- Avoid drinks that can stain — Coffee, soda, and tea are all substances that can stain your teeth and reduce their whiteness. The next time you’re thirsty, opt for a bottle of water instead of heading down to the soda machine. Not only will this help your teeth stay white, but avoiding coffee, soda, and tea can keep your enamel stronger, too.
- Consume calcium — Our dental centre wants you to know that if you want a healthier smile, you have to get plenty of calcium. We recommend eating broccoli, fortified orange juice, milk, and cheese.
- Use mouthwash — How many times have you brushed and flossed and thought you were good to go? Although there’s no replacement for brushing and flossing, you’re missing out on some benefits if you forget about mouthwash. Do yourself (and your breath) a favour and incorporate mouthwash into your dental hygiene routine.
- Visit the dentist — It almost goes without saying that if you want a better smile, you need to see your dentist. If it’s been a while since your last appointment at our dental centre, pick up the phone and give us a call!